3….2….1….Happy New Year!!
As the new year approaches, and we all start thinking back over the past year, there are all sorts of things that might create the tapestry of your thoughts. What have I accomplished this year? What did I do that was epic and fun? What does next year have in store for me? What will I create, build, and accomplish? Where will I go? And on and on…
In this moment, I invite you to consider something that is perhaps new to you as the new year approaches. How do I want to be this coming year?
Let me share more. What I’m referring to is creating New Year’s intentions. Most of us are familiar with goal setting, but how much experience do you have with intention setting? And what exactly is the nuanced difference between the two?
I like to think of it this way:
Goals are typically things you want to accomplish. They are measurable, and achieved sometime in the future.
Intentions typically refer to a state of being, and can start the moment you decide to make them happen.
As a mindfulness teacher, I see most things through a lens that prioritizes presence, awareness, and a grounded approach to personal growth. Intention setting aligns very well with those values by taking the personal “score keeping” out of the experience. Intentions can be woven into the fabric of my day by keeping me focused on the ground of being I want to cultivate, whether I am working, traveling, spending time with family and friends, or simply sitting in meditation.
One thing I love about setting intentions for the new year is that they are not tied to specific outcomes. Instead, they give me the opportunity to ask myself how I want to show up in the world. I get a chance to think about my values, and make sure my daily existence is aligned to those values. This process promotes a very conscious and purposeful way of navigating the close of one calendar year and the start of another.
This year, as the calendar turns from one year to the next, I invite you to give this a try. And if New Year’s isn’t a meaningful time for you, give it a try on your birthday, the solstice, at the end of the school year, or whenever you fancy some reflection time!
Tips to keep in mind when setting intentions:
✨How do you want to show up in the world?
✨What is a word or phrase that describes how you’d like to BE?
✨Choose a word of the year to weave into your already existing routine- no need to set aside time for something new, think of it as an overlay to what you already do!
✨Remember that the journey is just as significant as the destination. Be kind to yourself, be patient, and stick with it 💜
May the new year be an opportunity for growth and a mindful approach to personal development for us all!
Want support in cultivating a mindfulness practice?
Check out my offerings at Inhaleexhaleconnect.com or reach out at katie@inhaleexhaleconnect.com